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$20 RESISTANCE Mini-Readings –> Proceeds to Support Trans DACA Recipients

2017 is fucking dark. Between Charlottesville, DACA, climate change hurricanes and fires and the specter of our golf-playing vampire-in-chief continuing to inhabit the white house, a lot of people are realizing action has to happen NOW. For long-term activists, the heated, polarized public dialogue (not to mention the surfacing of a new neo-nazi movement) can be invigorating and exhausting, making it more important than ever to use your energy effectively. For the rest of us, the urgency to do something can be undermined by not knowing where to start.

Through at least October 15th (and longer if I’m able to) I’ll be offer a $20, 20 minute reading for current activists and anyone who is looking for a way to get political involved. (Seagoat newbies and established clients are invited to participate.) 100% of proceeds will be donated to an organization* working to fight for those being affected by these injustices.

Are you a talented debater, a natural fundraiser, a movement starter, a grant writer, a door-to-door mind-opener or the one whose gift is just to help others breathe? How can you give back to others in a way that sustains and inspires you? RESISTANCE readings will look at who you are as an activist (or volunteer), how to avoid burn-out, the roles and causes that best suit you and how to make the biggest, brightest impact toward change. Book yours here.

G. Willow Wilson’s Ms. Marvel. Incidentally, the best comic book I’ve read in years. Source:

*The first $500 will go to the Transgender Law Center whose Trans Immigrant Defense Effort provides legal support to trans and gender-nonconforming immigrants, including those at risk of deportation due to the rescinding of DACA. (This organization has no connection to or knowledge of this fundraiser–I just think they do good work.) When we hit that goal, I’ll let you guys know where the $$ is going next.

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